Personal journal where i go about telling what happens each week. Mostly updates weekly!


ENTRY NUMBER 62 03/19/25
spring break OVER...! college starts Again.......but in good news i got a 10% on my medical terminology test yesterday ^__^...over spring break i dyed my hair !!! the orange has faded Already so at some point i gotta redo it but its so nice to have my hair be something fun again LAWL. i also got to hang out with a friend :3 had fun...mostly watched them play ultrakill but they also watched me play slay the princess so its a win for both of us....hopefully will get to see them this friday..? we will See....been enjoying the weather lately ^__^ nice enough to not wear jackets...currently as i type this its 69f outside...fuckkkkk yes. anyways thats all for this week Byeeee

ENTRY NUMBER 61 03/12/25
SPRING BREAK!!! got to dissect Another sheep eyeball before i went on break..that was fun! Wayyy easier than last time thanks to this new professor..ummmm i also got to hang out with a bunch of friends earlier this week!!! had a lot of fun...havent seen some of them in a bit...2morrow i get to dye my hair ^__^ and then this weekend ill hang out w/ another friend...very excited...but yeah!!! also its been Lovely outside...getting warm enough to actually sit outside and get some sun and fresh air!!!! i can also hear birds outside!!! spring Soon...nothing much has happened besides that, but at least it hasnt been Too terribly boring LAWL! see u guys next week ^__^...!!!!

ENTRY NUMBER 60 03/05/25
hiihiiii. not Too much happened this week...umm its almost spring break...ive been doing Super good this semester so far..!!! been getting rlly good grades on my tests and exams...umm i bought a couple things recently...two new shirts ^__^ theyre both rlly cute. Um. i worked on a couple shrines..gonna hopefully start getting some of them done soon...mainly in the character section First. Sorry nothing has happened this week im just waiting Patiently for spring break to arrive...see u next week...

ENTRY NUMBER 59 02/26/25
haiiii ^__^ lots to talk about this week kind of...i got a good grade on one of my anatomy & physiology exams from last week :3!!! and then ultrakill got an update. im so obsessed. i feel like im going crazy.i played thru almost all of it again when the update came out...the new levels are sooo fucking hard. but fun. and also the game looks so fucking gorgeous now...i also managed to get the gabriel plushie. #win. alongside the gutterman tanktop...i Was gonna get the gabriel necklace but um. my Money. also a new jane remover song just dropped...fuckkkk yes. im winning. okay that is all...see u guys next week Smiles.


ENTRY NUMBER 58 02/19/25
hihi. got to visit my friend on friday ^__^ had fun...roads werent bad at all shockingly. ummm besides that there hasnt been much going on...i have a human anatomy & physiology exam 2day...wish me luck T__T; Sorry this week has been Especially boring..see u guys next week...


ENTRY NUMBER 57 02/12/25
hiiiiii. nothing much has happened too recently...been just going back and forth from college and doing hw....i Did get 3 new games though!! milk inside/outside a bag of milk and signalis...started signalis, its pretty good! im just mostly a scaredy-cat LAWL. also played the other two games..both are also super good i liked them both. ummm other good news im going to see my friend again friday :3 im very excited..even tho the weather and roads will probably be shitty due to um. Snow. but who care. see u guys next week......

FRONTING: Mara & Aurora

ENTRY NUMBER 56 02/05/25
HI. as of writing this im working on updating the site once more. didnt like how it looked At all. didnt feel authentic. To Me. added new features and new as of my week so far i got to see my friend two days in a row! got to hang out at their dorm and the next day watch them at their fencing competition thing..very fun and interesting! and good news, i got a rlly good grade on my human anatomy & physiology exams!!! which is a huge improvement compared to my last semester ^__^ also figured out what was taking up so much storage in my we're sooo back. see u guys next week Smiles.


ENTRY NUMBER 55 01/29/25
hii. again nothing much has happened from last week until now...though a few small things Did happen...yesterday i got a new drawing tablet um. again. one with a screen this time!!! its super nice i like it quite a bit...reminds me of the laptop that i previously used to draw on. dyed my hair again, even tho i said id be Trying to grow my natural hair out. um. whatever we ball. been trying to let my new (awful) haircut grow out so i can fix it. in other more Fun news im going up to see my friend in a couple days!!! gonna dye their hair. im very excited. i also have an exam today in my human anatomy & phisiology class. pray for me (ik i wont do bad. i just hate talking tests). thats pretty much all the news i have for this week...maybe some fun stuff will happen next week hopefully....

FRONTING: Mara & Birdie

ENTRY NUMBER 54 01/22/25
hihi. um. what a week. um. like last week nothing has happened in the span between then and now..called a friend....delt with college...its actually snowed so much and the temperatures have gotten so bad that i havent had to go to college for the past two days...been nice staying inside though.. um. SORRY THIS IS A BORING WEEK. SEE YOU NEXT WEEK.

FRONTING: Birdie & Noelle

ENTRY NUMBER 53 01/15/25
HI. college started this week again. uummmm so far its been okay. ALSO finally not sick. um. ive been drawing a lot more recently as ive gotten a smaller monitor...its been super nice...umm i really havent been doing much since last week? been mostly just getting over being sick and getting ready for college again. sorry for how boring our updates have been.....maybe next week will have more stuff to talk about...

FRONTING: Gabi & Birdie

ENTRY NUMBER 52 01/08/25
hihi. um literally nothing much has happened since i got home from vacation. i got a haircut that was um. Not Ideal but it will grow out......i also got SICK!!! still currently am but im slowly getting better...felt like i was a victorian child that contracted the plague in the beginning now i feel like a normal person that just caught a cold. exciting news tho...heard that theres a gabriel plushie in the works...the gabling if you very excited for when it releases so i can get my grubby hands on him. um also college starts up again next week, i think it will be better than last optimistic...but yeah. i truly dont have much to talk abt this time arnd bc ive been busy rotting in my room feeling ill. see u guys next week....!!!!!!!

FRONTING: Mara & Gabi

ENTRY NUMBER 51 01/02/25
OKAY. HI. SO. ITS BEEN A BIT. happy new year or whatever. um. christmas was Fine. i got a couple of stuff. my tablet arrived, its okay so far, just need to get used to it LAWL. also Literally just got home from vacation. it was Also okay. I had fun, but im sooo glad to be home now LAWL. umm. i got to go to an aquarium and just hang out at the beach w my was very nice. i would go into more detail But im superrrr fucking exhausted after all that traveling LAWL. so this is all ur getting out of me today...see u guys Soon..........


ENTRY NUMBER 50 12/23/24
HELLO HIII while nothing much has happened recently i just got home from hanging out with my friends :3 i had a lot of fun...we played a ttrpg that has like princesses n stuff and it was superrrr fun ^__^ i also managed to get one(1!!!) more drawing out of me for december before the year quite proud of it!!! and an added bonus...i get to finally get a better version of csp after not updating it after 8 years and only drawing on my dinky old gonna be getting a drawing tablet and draw on my pc!!!! upgrades people!!!!! upgrades!!! OH and also the vumos arrived!!!!! theyre Fucking Huge. i love them tho...gonna be taking v2 on vacation soon.....which will prolly be what my next update will be about? if im not busy at least. see u guys next week hopefully!!!

FRONTING: Gabi & Mara

ENTRY NUMBER 49 12/16/24
FINALS WEEK OVER!!!!!!!! i didnt do shit on my exams!!!!!!! we win!! i also got to hang out with a friend recently too!!!! nothing but winning...i even got a wallsocket vinyal was even the urban outfitters exclusive vinyl so thats cool :3 um besides all of that happening im finally able to chill out fot a bit...finally have been motivated enough to draw but i havent finished anything yet LAWL thats all i have to say this week..hopefully more fun things will happen for me to talk about

FRONTING: Mara & Gabi

ENTRY NUMBER 48 12/09/24
HI. ough. okay sooo good news, loop plushie arrived And i got the underscores jacket...its vry comfy...came with a town of wallsocket seal coin!!! which is awesome. Speaking of wallsocket i am Finally done with the wallsocket shrines for realsises. very excited about that...also went antiquing and got quite a few stuff...some buttons, a horseshoe, an angel orniment and these huge fucking keys...its vry cool... and also Bad news. Finals week is this week. Every Single Day i have an exam. its genuinely fucking awful im not even given a breather T__T; im gonna be locked in sooo hard. or at least try to be. see u guys next week


ENTRY NUMBER 47 12/03/24
Hiii. so. i Did get the plushies ^__^ AND!!!!!!! since underscores restocked some of her merch i was able to get the everybody jacket!!!! im so happy :3 the jacket Just shipped so now im just waiting for it to arrive....besides that umm nothing new has happened. i Did get to hang out w/ my friend and they gave me the present they were making for me :3 its vry cute...a little clay figure of siffrin....i also have to get started on their bday present since its coming up....ummmmm besides all of that ive been chipping away at trying to 100% finish the wallsocket shrine(s). im like 99% done w the main one, but i still need to edit the part 2 shrine. once i get done w the part 2 shrine i can finally get it all done. ofc if i feel like it i will edit it occasionally but i just want the main stuff to be done. but Yeah thats all for this week :3


ENTRY NUMBER 46 11/26/24
hihi!!! its been a little more than a week but whatev. ummm nothing too crazy has happened this week lol. mostly excited about whats coming up at the end of the week (v1 and v2 plushies drop this friday......)....if i dont get those plushies is2g. i also might get to hang out with my friend this weekend..also very excited about that ^__^. i also got a haircut yesterday...feels a bit better now, not as dry and frizzy and Probably dead. still gonna be a long time b4 its super healthy considering im trying to grow it out lol. but um. yeah. OH i also updated the system page and the various sub pages over the weekend..also going to edit the wallsocket shrine sometime soon as well. maybe 2day? who knows. but thats all ^__^.


ENTRY NUMBER 45 11/17/24
HELLO!! fun things happened this weekend...went to comic con!! was super fun..dressed up as siffrin from isat :3 only one person really recognized me but others liked the cosplay even if they didnt know who i was lawl. also got to hang out with a friend as well during and after comic con ^__^ !!! 2morrow im going to dye my hair back to its natural color though...goodbye white hair..was fun while it lasted but i need to take care of my hair and let it have a break T__T; but im excited to dye it back anyways. that was all i have to say for this week...see u guys next week


ENTRY NUMBER 44 11/10/24
HIHI. don't really have much to talk about today...the only thing i have to talk about really is that i finally finished making the wallsocket shrines!! very happy about that..took me Forever to finish them but im glad i did ^__^ did a couple touch ups this morning so that there werent any typos or things like that bc i. make typos a lot....downsides of being able to type quickly i fear T__T;...i did start decorating for christmas though in my new room :3, i also started to try to get back to playing piano since i havent done so in a long while. thats all thats been going on this week Lawl see u guys next week


ENTRY NUMBER 43 11/03/24
HIII....SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR 2 WEEKS...i got like Super busy....had our 18th bday, which was okay. nothing too special happened that day but i did get to do something yesterday w/ my friends as sort of a quote unquote Birthday Party! we went to go play bingo and go to an escape room, both of which were Super fun!! didnt win any money during bingo though. Sad! ive also got some of my stuff for my siffrin cosplay for comic con, im excited for that ^__^. um. besides those events i havent had much else going on. see you guys next week if i dont forget like this time LOL


ENTRY NUMBER 42 10/20/24
hiii welcome back to another mediocre entry.....nothing has really happened this past week, unsurprisingly. been mostly going to college, i did get to do a speech for my, well, speech class over in stars and a 96%! quite happy about thar. besides college ive been mostly just sitting at home doing nothing..touched up on the wallsocket shrine yesterday and will probably add some more stuff for it soon. oh i also am getting some underscores merch for our the dog years hoodie ^_^ waiting for it to arrive lawl....very excited. sorry this week has been very boring lol i have ntohing to say..see u guys next week.


ENTRY NUMBER 41 10/12/24
hihi hello! nothing much to talk about for this week..havent done anything worth mentioning Lawl. i Did get my own pc so yay!!! thats good news :3. it is also almost the one year of having this site! in 3 days!!! crazy how time flies, i probably wont do a blog post on that day bc ill be superrr busy with college. but! besides the one year anniversary..that is all i have to say. very boring update once more but i will see u guys next week :3 im also going to add who was fronting in all of the blog posts bc. i feel like thats important. will be difficult as shit but i wanna do that.


ENTRY NUMBER 40 10/05/24
haiii, good news ive been doing better in my grades up from having. Pretty shitty grades. so yay! been mostly working on that recently...i did finally et around to makng a shrine for one of my fav albums ever...took me around like 5 hours to finish it because i kept pressing a button on my computer and it got rid of everything i had done so i had to start from scratch. Twice. it was awful but im glad i got it Done at least. i also get to hang out with a bunch of my friends 2morrow..very excited. been thinking of adding a little whos fronting thing at the end of these entries..not sure yet but maybe i will do that. who knows. very lame update but who care. will see u guys next week


ENTRY NUMBER 39 09/28/24
hihi..been a little more than a week But..tbh nothing much has happened these past few days, been mostly just going to college and playing roblox in my free time. i did get to dissect a sheep eyeball in college a few days ago, that was cool. admittedly there isnt really much for me to do, very lonely most days and i have been stuck in a really bad depressive episode for months which has been effecting a lot of the shit i do like at college and my day-to-day life. so ive been mostly just been tying to get through it Lawl. the most notible thing that has happened was that we finally set up a room for me in my house to study and just chill in, because if i stay in my room all day for. Days i will genuinely lose my Mind. but yeah, thats the weekly update, see you guys next week


ENTRY NUMBER 38 09/15/24
happy 9th bday undertale!! i unfortunately dont have any time to draw anything for it bc im so busy with college now lawl....weekly update wise ive been going to this barn sale at the end of my street and got a shit tone of stuff!! like a early 2000s fish lamp, 1999 furby, old projector, old polaroid camera and a wii to name a few stuff..i got way more too LOL. glad i got them tho!! very happy :3 also went to the ren faire with my friend yesterday! got a necklace, eyepatch and a henna tattoo! had a lot of fun!!! been also thinking of redoing this website so im more motivated to do stuff on it..we will see! but thats my weekly update!! see u guys next week ^__^


ENTRY NUMBER 37 09/04/24
hihi!!! weekly update...2nd week of college started...its not as difficult but i did forget to turn in a shit ton of assignments which is my bad lawl. got to see my friend for the first time again in 2 weeks since they went to college! that was nice :3 we hung out and it was fun!!! besides that ive been just laying around and going to college..this friday though i get to check out my old hs band at their football game, excited to see their halftime show ^__^!! that is all...see u guys next week!!!


ENTRY NUMBER 36 08/28/24
hello people on the internet....nothing much to say about what has happened this week, been doing mostly college stuff now Sad super stressed about it today but im fine LAWL. besides that ive been mostly just calling my friend and playing ultrakill when i have the free time! very boring stuff but theres not much to do right now...this is like my most boring update ever LAWL ill see u guys next week


ENTRY NUMBER 35 08/22/24
HELLO!! first day of college was 2day...nothing much to say about it...on more exciting news i actyally started to play ultrakill!! and by startedi mean got all the way to violence in the span of 3 days...super fun ^__^ i really like it...i was already getting into it because my friend likes it but observing and actually playing the game is two completely different things LAWL. but yeah! nothing much to say...see u guys next week!!


ENTRY NUMBER 34 08/14/24
hihi...not much to say this time around. still have been mostly hanging out with my friends...Though...while i was at a sleepover at my friends' house i got to see A) the big and little dipper, B) a meteor shower/shooting stars AND C) THE AUORA BOREALIS. WHAT? we were outside having a campfire and watching twilight to make fun of it and we noticed the sky looked pretty with a Lot of stars...didnt even know that the northern lights were out until my mom told me the next day LOL. anyways, i did get a new game recently, fields of mistria...very very fun i like it a lot..have been playing it nonstop these past couple days. lastly to end off this entry, i start college next week..! a little nervous about it but we ball.


ENTRY NUMBER 33 08/07/24
Hi!! nothing much has been happening lately...again i have been mostly hanging out with my friend! i even went out and got ice cream with a couple more friends 2day as well! fun!!!! been also finally getting into ultrakill properly...ive been meaning to for like a year now but watching my friend play it when they were at my house finally sparked the need to...lauv those machines. i also got my own car recently!!! i call her the WonderTruck...shes my beloved car...i hope to decorate it more soon...anyways thats all for this week!!


ENTRY NUMBER 32 07/30/24
Hihi!! weekly update...havent been doing much! ive been mostly hanging out with my friend :3 went swimming with them recently and i got superrr sunburnt...hurts bad! thankfully we bought something that has been helping so Yay!! the chlorine took a good chunk of the pink out of my hair too! closer to blonde now...almost there so i can Finally get my hair to white!!! thats all..see u guys next week!!!


ENTRY NUMBER 31 07/22/24
Hello!!! nothing much has happened lately, been mostly drawing! isat has rlly made me get better at drawing...lauv u isat. speaking of! i finally replayed isat to get most of the achivements and i did! i only have 2 left to get which wont be difficult at all considering i dont have to worry about 10 different achivements at once. and i get to play it with again with my friend 2morrow!! im so excited :3 a bit of a callback to the last entry...the pink Didnt come out fully..hoping to go swimming so that the chlorine in my aunts pool gets it out because, again, i dont want my hair to die, so hopefully i get to go swimming with my friend thursday as well!! yay!!!


ENTRY NUMBER 30 07/13/24
ahhh its been a bit thats my bad! nothing much has happened between the last blog entry..i got myself a record player and a whole bunch of records!! last one i got was rules by alex g :3 besides that ive just been replaying isat to get all of the achivements, i only have 8 more left to go! very excited to get them all...had some help with my friend who came over 2 days ago and we talked about isat for...7 hours. but it was super fun!!! i also got to hang out with some friends yesterday at a fair and i got to hold an alligator!!! so cool!!!! im also stripping the pink out of my hair 2day bc im gonna try to dye my hair white! gonna be a multiple week process bc i dont want my hair to die LOL but yeah!!!


ENTRY NUMBER 29 06/28/24
SRRY for going so long w/out an update!!! had a bit of stuff going on....but now we have a new theme! a bit silly having an isat theme after out website is mainly themed after utdr BUT. i like it! a lot! anyways, system update, turns out luka/lee was just a temporary host and instead i, ell, am the new host. just a tinier update i feel like you guys should know. besides that, yesterday i went to a mystery skulls concert with my friends! it was so good!! i got a picture with one of the openers, snowblood, too! both of the openers were superrr good as well1 im a bit exhausted now lol, but thats the update!


ENTRY NUMBER 28 06/13/24
AH it feels like ive gone so long without an update...even though its only been 10 days T__T;..anyways nothing much has happened! i went on a week-long trip to bulgaria and i just got back form it yesterday...still super dizzy from the flight and the drive back @_@ i also finally got my diploma today so yay! besides that ive been working a lot on making my own ocs...i havent really made ocs in a long time, but ive made a couple and a tiny, very shitty, story for them that ill probably develop better later LAWL. anyways thats my tiny update.


ENTRY NUMBER 27 06/03/24
hello!! this is more of an important blog post this time around...we had a host change recenly! khrys is no longer the host, i (lee) am the host now! i used to be the host back in 2020, so this is nothing too different for me. ive just integrated w/ another alter and i just have to get back in the swing of things! nothing much will truly change so dont worry too much ^__^


ENTRY NUMBER 26 05/23/24
I GRADUATE TODAY!! AHHHH!!! im so excited!! i posted my cap design on tumblr but you can see it here! i also had my last spring concert ever on wednesday..we did pretty good! its pretty weird to not go back to highschool everyday....anyways thats all i have to talk about! not much compared to my other stuff but i just wanted to mention that i graduate today ^__^!!


ENTRY NUMBER 25 05/13/24
IM ALL DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL!!! my last day was last week, and turns out i only have to come in for One exam!!! yay!!! i also graduate in .about a week! wow! i just had prom about 2 days was super fun! we were on a boat :3. i brought my moms 2009 camera with me and i took a Lot of pictures and videos...i also just got done finishing isat yesterday....what a game. it was sooo good i love it so much. im very very very normal about it.(← is seconds away from buying merch) anyways thats all i have for now!!!


ENTRY NUMBER 24 05/06/24
AHH LAST WEEK OF HIGH SCHOOL BEFORE IM DONE!!!!...minus the three days of exams that i have to do..THEN I GRADUATE AND IM DONE!!!! today we just got done with our senior prank(s) and it was fun...we did something different every hour and caused chaos LOL tomorrow i have my final band concert...sad but im excited! OH i forgot to mention that our band went to states and got a first divison rank from all judges...tldr that means we did really fucking good. so YAY!...besides that i just got in stars and time and started to play it today...i really really like it! the art style is super cute and i really enjoy the mechanics...very fun. im a little obsessed with it now. anyways thats all XP.


ENTRY NUMBER 23 04/25/24
ENTIRELY NEW SITE!!! very happy with how this turned out, i wanted a shitty early 2000s feel...i think i replicated it well!! i got a spike of inspo looking at tumblr themes and i saw one and wanted to do something similar with my website X) Anyways, got a hair cut yesterday!! very happy with it.. it was very Very much needed. AND tomorrow is senior skip day so our class is going on a picnic also hanging out at a friends house afterwards....ahhhh the school year is almost over and ill be going to college in the fall!!!! crazy....time goes by fast!!!


ENTRY NUMBER 22 04/18/24
dying my hair this weekend!!! very very excited...i havent dyed my hair a fun color since may of last year...gonna dye the underlayer of my hair red ^__^ tbh its very much inspired by many fanart i see of kris with the underlayer of their hair red. its such a fun thing that i see many fanartists do that i rlly enjoy and think its cool!!! afterwards im gonna get my hair cut so that its similar to what i had back in september...i miss that haircut. plus if i get tired of the sidetails and wanna cut them off ill be back at square one! i also went to comic con recenty in my kris was very fun ^__^ i even got a deltarune print!!! thats all thats happened recently so far i think :3


ENTRY NUMBER 21 04/06/24
helloooo hey!!!! new theme YAY, i also managed to give the blog a little playlist again...Hopefully it doesnt break anything again like it did last time but so far its working fine! i also recently got the piano scores for deltarune ch 1 and 2 and im very happy!!! ive skimmed through the books and have tried playing a few of them and its really nice! im excited to learn more new songs on piano ^__^ i also got the rudebuster shirt...ive wanted that since the game came out LOL. i also have an idea for a noelle shrine so im probably gonna get started on that soon!


ENTRY NUMBER 20 03/31/24 is everypony...ive been getting back into deltarune again recently, its stuck to my brain again O_O and bc of that ill probably change the theme of the blog. Again. i do that a lot but its my website I do what i Want. honestly not much will change, might alter the border colors a bit and change the yume nikki images to be more...gaster-y???? ill probably do this all like next week i am Way too lazy rn.


ENTRY NUMBER 19 03/21/24
HELLO PEOPLE ON MY COMPTER!!! good news, just got my license and im now allowed to drive LAWL. anyways ive been playing yume nikki these past few days, i havent finished it yet but ive already started playing the fangames ^__^ i rlly like yume 2kki, esp the ost bc ohh my god. so good. nothing much has happened besides that, me and my friend have started doing concept stuff for a game we want to make eventually. i dont really have anything else to say, so thats all ^__^!


ENTRY NUMBER 18 03/09/24
HIIII sorry there has been like NO updates for this past month, tbh i have only just been playing roblox whenever im around LAWL.....yeah ive started to get back into roblox, been playing noting but regretevator these past few weeks. very fun! it reminds me of another old elevator game on roblox that i used to play nonstop until i stopped playing in like 2020. i havent played roblox since then AND i had to make a new account bc i couldnt get into my old one :(....anyways if any1 wants my roblox user its sourmewz LOL feel free to add me..i want more friends on there ^___^ anyways, yeah thats pretty much all i have been doing lately!


ENTRY NUMBER 17 02/24/24

ENTRY NUMBER 16 02/15/24
HELLO! been a good minute! havent been doing much myself lately, just been allowing myself to take a step back and let clover do most of the stuff. though i have been a bit active again, mostly because im excited about side order LAWL. im actually so so so excited for it you guys have no idea. we will probably have to step away online so we dont get spoiled since i wanna go in as blind as possible. anyways thats my update for this week! i do wanna say next entry will be a joke entry because haha entry number 17. thats all!


ENTRY NUMBER 15 02/05/24
HIHI. i have good news! didnt know if i ever mentioned and my friend were practicing for a festival and we got a one!!! meaning we can go to states now!!! very happy about that considering i was Stressed about it for the two weeks i had to practice. anyways, i got ts!underswap today and started to play it, its pretty fun! i like it so far, had to stop so i can work on my essay for english which im about to do....i also started to get more comfortable about being a system again, which is very good because it has kind of allowed me to take a backseat from fronting for a bit, which is why i went a bit without making a blog entry. its been super nice, shocking accepting the fact that ur a system and not trying to deny it anymore is nice. anyway i went on for a bit sorry about that LOL.


ENTRY NUMBER 14 01/28/24
Hellooo :3 went to my friends house yesterday, had a lot of fun ^__^ besides that nothing much has second semester of school started and its been going by pretty well with no difficulty. I beat the ut neutral route recently and got up to zenith martlet like 2 days ago. yeah thats my life update see y guys with another one next week


ENTRY NUMBER 13 01/21/24
Hello!!! as im writing this im updating my website theme LAWL...ceroba ketsukane u will always be famous. anyways i played ut yellow for myself recently...i beat the true pacifist route without dying a single time!! very proud of myself for that. the game is much easier on controller..except during the axis portion of the game, shockingly.


ENTRY NUMBER 12 01/14/24
Hiiii...nothing much has been happening lately. Tiny update to the last entry, they blocked neocities on the school computer :(, they keep blocking like literally antyhing that isnt the 2 websites we always used(them doing this has backfired before :sob:). anyways...getting a haircut in like 2 days im very excited :3, going for a gumi vocaloid + link loz kind of look, been wanting to do something different since im tired of having long hair LOL. hoping to also get a gaming controller for my dads pc so i, myself, can play ut yellow since i suck ass at keyboard controls.


ENTRY NUMBER 11 01/08/24
Me and my friend played undertale yellow over the break!!! it was very very fun :3, i got to voice a lot of characters...we did however get stuck on axis' fight for about an hour and 30 was very difficult, worse because we had to keep switching at every attack because there was some stuff that we were both good and bad at. either way, super fun! my friend was the one playing it the most so hopefully soon i'll get to play it myself...just have to figure out how to connect a controller to the computer. anyway, im thinking of adding a couple intro pages for our frequent fronters...might do that when i get home(im writing this at school LOL).


ENTRY NUMBER 10 12/31/23
New Years!!! been a little out of it lately, got sick :(, hopefully will get better soon!! besides that undertale yellow has basically taken over my brain...big fan of ceroba and starlo.My Wives........anyways see you guys next year XP


ENTRY NUMBER 9 12/25/23
Christmas!!!!today!!!! it was kind of okay, i got a lancer plushie and a couple deltarune tshirts X3!!! i also got a new controller so i can finally go back to playing a Bunch of splatoon....i also got a beginners crocheting kit!!! i also am getting more into undertale recently thanks to undertale yellow XD


ENTRY NUMBER 8 12/17/23
Got a haircut today!! super happy about it X) i look nice! last week of school this week before winter so excited for christmas ^__^ i already have presents under the tree so its just taunting me....Unrelated its strange how my school has blocked neocites?? only other ppls websites and not the neocites website itself nor my own website..strange!OH i also got to hang out with my friends last week!!!! we played undertale and we got the wrong number song AND "beware of the man who came from the other world" TWICE!!!!!!X3


ENTRY NUMBER 7 12/02/23
I have a christmas parade to go to today..!! hoping it goes well..its superrr cold out, and its gonna get cold later in the day. im also thinking that im going to (maybe)(emphasis on maybe)(probably) change the blog to look more like noelles blog in deltarune. but who knows!!! bonus my college stuff is gonna be done soon so i will be stress free from that.(future 8pm me here, i did in fact change the blog)

FRONTING: Khrys? Maybe Noelle

ENTRY NUMBER 6 11/26/23
So i did dye my hair blonde, but i got superrrr tired of it so now its brown now! Except that its so dark that it looks like i dyed it black. but im happy with it nonetheless!! went and had a dnd session last week with my friends, it was super fun :) i have also been ignoring all of my college hw....i will get it done Soon....but not now.


ENTRY NUMBER 5 11/05/23
My birthday was 5 days ago :3!!! getting older....wasnt really hyped too much for it. trick or treating was fun though!!! had fun making my costume, going to wear it to comic con soon. after that im going to dye my hair.....going to go blonde again!!! havent gone blonde since like, technically may but that was bc my orange washed out quickly, i havent Properly gone blonde since last year when i had a mullet. my friends also came over to my house yesterday, it was very fun :)


ENTRY NUMBER 4 10/26/23
Went to a concert last saturday!!! went to see the hot freaks and happy fits :) i even got a picture with the main singer of hot freaks wahoo!!!! this saturday im going to see the fnaf movie and hopefully actually going to work on the armor part of my costume (im going as kris deltarune act shocked) i'm also going to try to Hopefully get my deltarune anniversary art done this week...we will see....


ENTRY NUMBER 3 10/18/23
Shoutout to my youth class that i'm doing, its soooo fun. i get to help out in the elementary classes(specifically music) and the kids in that class are soooo sweet. They are also shockingly well behaved? i think our class just sucked tbh bc seeing this 1st grade class behave so well was such a shock to me. its the second week of actually going to the elementary and already the kids are interacting with me more....its actually adorable omg they wouldnt stop messing with all of my jewlery it was so cute. i did however become my worst fear which is becoming a distraction for them, but there isnt much i can do besides wait as the get used to me being in that class. they do listen to me when i tell them to go pay attention to the teacher so im not worried too much. tomorrow im also going to go see rocky horror with my mom :) that will be fun and the next day will be homecoming day?night? idk i have to play in the football game.


ENTRY NUMBER 2 10/17/23
Hello survey programmers :) the school week has started and im already sooooo tired. im supposed to do my college work rn but i think im honestly gonna just do it tomorrow or something because its not that hard compared to the one i had to do like a couple weeks ago(i lauv procrastinating).also i hate the fact that there is the stupid scroll things on the bottom and sides for the blog posts but idk how to get rid of them without the entry no. 17 quote getting fucked up. thats a problem for later me LAWL(7pm update im actually working on half of it LOLLLL i dont want to doom myself to not turning an assignment in on time for the 1000th time and also not wanting to stress myself out to the max. everyone clap and cheer i'm being responsible)


ENTRY NUMBER 1 10/15/23
HELLO! ill try not to actually keep up the typing in all caps bit for these blog posts in all seriousness. what i hope to achive for this is to do maybeeee daily or weekly blog posts, it will really all depend on how i am feeling. at this current moment im trying to get a statuscafe account so i can do little status updates on here for my status page. currently this week is going to be very busy for me! i have homecoming coming up, i have to march for it and do some other things during the football game. then im going to see a concert the following saturday! that will be very very exciting i think.