When loading up DELTARUNE, the player is met with a beginning sequince of someone talking to you, the player, stating if we are "connected" before a red soul appears. We are then met with a section known as the "goner maker". We are told we need to make some sort of vessel and doing so we shape its mind and after naming, someone else cuts us off, saying that our vessel will be discarded. The new person speaking to the player will then say that "No one can choose who they are in this world." and then we are met with the main protagonist, Kris. Kris is woken up by their mother, Toriel who states that if they don't hurry up that they will be late for school. Kris and Toriel arrive at school, along the way mentioning that Asriel would be coming back from college in a week. Kris goes to their class and has to go around to try to find a partner for a class project that their teacher, Alphys, had mentioned to them when they came to class. Kris goes around and eventually asks their classmate and old friend Noelle if they can be a group of three with another classmate, Berdly.

Before anything can happen, Susie opens the door. Since Susie was the last student to show up, Alphys says that she can start her class, however she announces that she is missing her chalk and cannot start class without it. Noelle offers to go find it with Susie, but Alphys has Kris and Susie find it since both of them were the last ones to show up to class. The two go out into the hallway and it is revealed that Susie is the one who had the chalk as she takes a bite out of the chalk. She talks to Kris, stating that they didn't see anything just then. Susie would then shove Kris against a locker stating that "Quiet people piss me off", and fakes an attempt to bite Kris' head before dropping them, telling Kris the a good mother and it would be a shame to bury her child. Susie says that they'll get the chalk and go back to class, telling Kris that they'll do the project. Kris gets a prompt, but before they can answer Susie cuts them off, saying to not bother and that if they hadn't gotten it by not "Your choices don't matter." Susie and Kris head north towards the closet and open the door, only to find it eerily dark. Both of them enter the closet in search of both finding a light switch and the chalk. The closet seemed to be endless, so the two attempt to leave but the door is shut on them. The ground shakes and they fall through the ground and enter a Dark World.

Kris wakes up in a completely different world, they find a light that only they can see and the SAVE system is introduced. Kris progresses and eventually finds Susie. Susie follows them for a second, only to complain and ditch them before Kris finds her a little up ahead, asking if they can see a shadowed figure. The figure then starts to attact them, the two run to a town nearby and discover Ralsei, a prince with no subjects. Ralsei, if given the option to will tell the "Delta Warriors" the legend of DELTA RUNE. The legend states that a HUMAN, a MONSTER, and a PRINCE FROM THE DARK will appear to banish the ANGEL'S HEAVEN and save the world from DARKNESS. After explaining the legend, the figure earlier appears, now known as Lancer, fights Susie and Kris after pushing(?) Ralsei off screen. This is the first battle where the mechanics are introduced.

After the fight, Susie heads off by herself to try to make progress towards going home. Ralsei and Kris head towards a large door, known as the "Great Door", and arrive at the Field of Hopes and Dreams. The two progress through the Dark World and eventually come across Susie once again, unable to open a door due to a puzzle that requires three people. Ralsei tells Susie that getting to the fountain may require having all three of them together, and Susie reluctantly joins the party. Later they come across a shopkeeper, named Seam (pronounced Shawm) who gives them items and world building information. Seam mentions how there used to be three kings who ruled the Dark World they're in, but a strange KNIGHT appeared and locked up the three kings, putting Spade King and his son, Lancer, in charge.

The trio continue on before coming across Lancer. Before they can fight, Susie comments on how "stupid" Lancers evil laugh is and threatens him the same way she did with Kris. Lancer, none the wiser, has a lightbulb moment and thanks Susie for teaching him how to be more scary before sending some enemies to attack them. After the battle, they progress forward solving some more puzzles until meeting Lancer once again. Lancer, with the "help" from earlier tries to threaten the trio, and asks Susie if he was more scary this time around. Susie awkwardly agrees, and before Lancer leaves he realizes he doesn't know what to call the trio, so everyone (except Kris) pitches in an idea for a name to call the trio. For the sake of this I will be choosing Ralsei's option, the FUN GANG. Afterwards they continue forward and once again, find Lancer. He informs the FUN GANG that there is an enemy up ahead that is in the way that he can't get past. The trio fight the enemy, K. ROUND, except Susie won't ACT with Kris and Ralsei and makes the battle more inconvinient than it needed to be. After the battle Ralsei mentions this to Susie, telling her that she is a hero and needs to start acting like one. Susie then decides after this to join Lancer on the side of the bad guys.

Kris and Ralsei continue on, without Susie on the team once more. As the two progress towards the castle, they will stumble upon Susie and Lancer on a few occasions with their wacky hyjinks. Later on they would meet up with them for the third time around, making a "Machine to Thrash Your own Ass", which gets blown up for looking awful according to Susie. After blowing up the "Thrash Machine" Ralsei and Kris fight the other two, stating if that they win Susie joins the team again. They fight, and the battle ends with Ralsei and Kris winning, meaning Susie will join the two once more. Lancer worries that him and Susie aren't a team anymore, shocking Susie who tells him that he is and he can even be a part of the FUN GANG. The quartet continue forward to the castle.

The FUN GANG eventually start getting closer towards the castle, along the way Lancer follows them and talks to the trio as they learn a bit more about Lancer. Soon they almost reach the castle before Lancer asks if they are going to have to fight his dad, Susie tells him that they're most likely going to. Lancer, visibly upset by this, leaves the trio and they eventually get caught by castle guards and are thrown in a prison below the castle. Ralsei and Kris are stuck inside a cell, and after a bit begin to hear Susie attempt to try to get them out. Kris helps Susie with the puzzle and she continues through the prison to help try to get them out. After she leaves, Ralsei asks them if they wonder what Susie is up to and forces the perspective onto Susie. Susie hears Lancers voice and stumbles across him, both being upset at the other. Susie fights Lancer, but doesn't kill him as she doesn't want to and just wants to get past. Lancer explains why he put them down there, saying that he doesn't want the trio and his dad to fight. Susie agrees that her and the others will try to reason with him "peaceful-style". Lancer is releaved, and asks if they are still friends, to which Susie agrees, shocked.

Lancer heads back inside the castle to his dad while Susie frees the other two. The trio, now back together again head up into the castle. On the way, inside the elevator Susie asks if they can reason with the king first instead of attacking him. Ralsei, shocked but happy tells her that she can act with them and that they can teach her. Soon they reach the main floor and Ralsei exits, but before Kris can follow Susie stops them, saying that she will try to get along with them more and actually listen to them. The FUN GANG ventures on through the castle, meeting Roulxs Kaard, duke of puzzles, on a few occasions and have to deal with his..."puzzles".

Eventually, the trio battles Roulx Kaard and K. ROUND once more, this time with Susie ACTing with the FUN GANG. The trio defeat him and progress forward, meeting the king. They confront the king, with Lancer by his side, and threatens to throw Lancer off the ledge if the trio doesn't put their weapons away and bow down to him. Lancer tries to tell them its just a bluff and to not listen to him, but they do as the king says anyways. Lancer attacks the king from behind with one of his attacks and gets away while the FUN GANG battle the king. At the end of the battle, the king grows tired and explains that the is too injured and weak to continue fighting them. Ralsei heals him and the king attacks them once again, going after Kris, mirroring the interaction in the beginning from Susie, to which she then gets up and attacks the king, who tells him that while she might not be able to defeat him, they might. A croud of darkeners and Lancer overthrow the king, putting him in the prison.

Kris and Susie say their goodbyes to the darkeners and to Ralsei, who then reveals himself fully from under the hat he wore. Ralsei says his goodbye and Kris seals the fountain, bringing the two back into the Light World. The two find themself in the old classroom next to the closet, still in the school. Before they leave, Susie asks if they can do this tommorrow and leaves. Kris then goes around Hometown, talking to the residents of the area, such as going to the hospital to see Noelle and her dad, Rudy Holiday or talking to Sans Undertale in front of "Grillbys". After going around Hometown, Kris heads home and eventually heads to bed. Later in the night, Kris wakes up, ripping their soul out of their body and throwing it in a bird cage, locking the player up. The chapter ends with Kris, back turned to us, taking a knife out menacingly and looking at us, eye shining and grinning before the chapter ends.

There is a secret boss in chapter one, inside the Card Castle there is an entire cell dedicated to a darkener named Jevil. He explains that he lonely and is the one who is free and that everyone else is locked away. He asks the trio to play a game with them, if chosen he tells you to find the key and hints at one of the fragments is being kept by Seam. When heading to Seam's shop, they are shocked about the trio wanting to release him after all the trouble they went through to lock him away, but their attitude shifts and comments on how it would be for the best if he wasn't locked up alone. Seam gives the trio the key fragment, stating that it doesn't matter what happens in the end and that a bit of chaos might be fun.

Seam also provides information on Jevil and their past, Jevil being the court jester and Seam the court magician. Seam explains that one day, however, Jevil met a strange person and began to change afterwards, started saying strange things that both did and didn't make any sense. He started to view the world as a game and everyone as participants, and soon Seam had to lock Jevil away. Seam mentions that his words have stuck to him and that their view of the world has become darker, yet darker. When collected all of the key fragments and putting them together, the FUN GANG can fight Jevil. Depending on the way you defeat him, he will forshadow the next antagonist of the chapter or say that a nightmare will awaken in their hearts in the shadow of the KNIGHT's hand.