When loading up DELTARUNE for the second time, it starts off the next day with Toriel lightheartedly calling out Kris for eating an entire pie, resolving the cliff hanger of the previous chapter. The beginning of chapter two is very similar to the first one, Kris heads to school late, this time however Susie was already in class waiting for Kris to show up. Class starts with the class being asked if someone would voulenteer to read, to which Berdly starts reading, putting Kris to sleep. Kris wakes up and heads out class, Susie standing outside waiting on them. She comments on them sleeping in class, calling them the class zombie before running up to them, saying that she, too, could barely sleep after yesterday. Susie wonders if all of the events from the previous chapter was even real and drags Kris to the storage closet. The two stop in front of the closet, and before they can go in Noelle interupts them. She asks if Susie and Kris would be down to go to the library later to study for the project they have to do in class. Susie says that they're busy at the moment, which Noelle doesn't mind and asks Kris if they can bring Susie by later. Before she leaves she gives Susie a box of chalk, leaving Susie flushed and confused at the gift. Susie wonders why Noelle would ask her to study. oblivious before shrugging it off and heading inside the supply closet with Kris.

The two decend down into Castle Town, finding Ralsei to be the only one there. Susie wonders where everyone is while Ralsei tells Kris, moreso the Player to head to the classroom next to the storage closet and collect everything in there and to bring it back to Castle Town. Kris does so, transforming the town into a less bland town full of Dark World denizins from the previous chapter. Lancer and Susie reunite, she asks what happened to his castle to which him and Ralsei inform Susie that the castle is gone and the previous Dark World had turned back into a normal castle. Ralsei tells Susie that Lancer will live in his castle, and informs her and Kris that he has a surprise for them in the castle. Before they head over there, Ralsei informs Kris that the more Dark World denizens they bring, the power of the fountain in Castle Town will transform the town more and more. Heading towards the castle and upstairs, Ralsei tells Susie and Kris that he made their own rooms in the castle. While hard to tell Kris' reaction, Susie is shocked but happy about having her own room. After exploring the town, Kris and Susie head back to the Light World after Ralsei tells them to go do their project. The two head towards the library and as the head towards the computer lab, they open the door and the room is eerily dark, similar to the way they first discover the Dark World in the closet. The two decide to head into the new Dark World.

Kris and Susie decend into the Dark World, finding themselves in a new area once again. They progress foward, discovering Noelle crying out for help. Noelle warns them to run away before a floating cage captures her and takes her away. Slowly rising from the cliffs appears the new chapter's antagonist, Queen. She goes on to explain her plan to take over the world using Noelle as her "willing" peon, alongside saying that she might make Noelles face into a robot one. Queen dips, leaving the two to fight some enemies before Ralsei appears and joins the party once more on an adventure. The FUN GANG progress through the Dark World before stumbling across Queen and Noelle once again, Susie tells Noelle that they will stop Queen from turning her face into a robot one before she is then sent away again. Queen tries to convince the trio to help her before she challenges them to a makeshift Punch-Out style arcade game. The trio, as a team beat Queen at the game and then continue on through the Dark World.

The FUN GANG come across a trio of robots known as The Sweet Cap'n Cakes. One of the robots, Sweet, accuses them of being on the Queen's side and him, along with Cap'n and K_K battle the FUN GANG. In the battle, Susie and Ralsei learn how to ACT on their own without Kris' help. The gang win the battle against the Sweet Cap'n Cakes and are now able to visit their shop. The FUN GANG continue before arriving at a roller coaster area. They find Noelle and Queen again, and since Noelle is unwilling to fight the trio, Queen sends out the next guy which is discovered to be Berdly. The trio battle Berdly and win before Queen shows up again, informing them that the roller coaster is in fact, not finished and the trio find themselves in a trash site after rolling off the edge. While in the trash site, Susie gets injured and Raslei heals her, this gets her interested in learning how to do healing magic. The trio come across a fork in the road and have to split up, Ralsei begins to ask Kris who they want to go with before Susie decides to go with Ralsei, leaving Kris by themselve to continue on.

Soon after, Kris meets up with Noelle. She has to hide as Queen shows up, looking for Noelle. Queen forms a truce with Kris before she, too has to hide since Berdly appears looking for Queen and Noelle. Berdly, too, forms a truce with Kris before he leaves, same with Queen. Noelle comes out of hiding, asking if there is room for a triple truce as Noelle joins the party. Kris, alongside another enemy, teach Noelle how battles work in the Dark World and the two progress through the Dark World together. The duo solve puzzles along the way before once again, coming across Queen. Kris and the Queen talk for a bit before being interupted by a falling statue of Berdly, the bird himself showing up the same way not to long after. Comedic hyjinks ensue as the two interact and soon leave, allowing Kris and Noelle to continue forward once again. The duo solve more puzzles, finding Berdly once again as some more comedic hyjinks ensue before they later have to fight him. Kris and Noelle win the battle, leaving Noelle confused about the battle that just occured as Berdly leaves once again.

Kris and Noelle progress forward and come across Queen again. Noelle, with a disguise, is able to stay by Kris' side and doesn't have to hide somewhere else. As the trio are interacting, Berdly can be heard in the distance getting closer. To avoid him, Queen tells the two to get in the car and hide and succsessfully avoid Berdly. The trio drive off to "find Noelle" before they are stopped momentarrily by a traffic jam. Queen tells Kris to to press a button on the other side to stop the jam, to which they get out of the car and start walking down an alleyway before they are stopped by someone coming out of the trash can in the alleyway. This someone reveals themself to be Spamton, who notices that Kris is a Lightner and offers a deal to them. Kris accepts the deal and Spamton leaves, telling them to meet them at the trash site later to complete the deal. Kris is finally able to go to the other side of the alley and stop the traffic jam, getting back in the car in continue to "search for Noelle".

Continuing the car ride, Noelle asks Queen why she is even trying to look for her, and Queen mentions that she is worried about her. Noelle, still confused, asks why she would want her as a peon saying that she probably wants her has a peon because she is weak, however, Queen tells her that its the opposite. After this, the trio get out of the car and go on their seperate ways once more as Noelle and Kris once again are back to wandering through the Dark World. Kris and Noelle come uppon a puzzle, one where both need to step on switches in order to solve it. The switches occasionaly providing a letter to later spell out "DECEMBER", while they solve the puzzle, Noelle talks to Kris about their past together with Asriel and Dess, mentioning how them and their siblings used to explore sometimes. Noelle thinks on her nostalgia of exploring, saying that she doesn't mind her being scared as long as someone is there to comfort her. After this puzzle the two continue on and eventually meet up with Susie and Raslei.

The FUN GANG reunite now with Noelle on their side, they coninue on, solving many puzzles alongside Noelle until they eventually find themselves in front of Queen's mansion. Unfortunately, Queen arrives and captures Noelle once more with the threat of harming Berdly. Said bird shows up however, exposing her threat as a lie, but captures Noelle nonetheless along with Susie, Berdly and Kris. Ralsei being the only one to not be captured. Now captured, Kris attempts to escape with the help of Lancer, who was in their pocket. Lancer helps free Kris and Susie and the trio, along with Berdly who shortly joins them, try to make their way through the mansion. However, while they start to escape, Lancer starts to feel unwell, saying that its cold. Because of this, they try to quickly find Ralsei, though having to solve a few more puzzles along the way. As they solve puzzles, Berdly gets humbled, and explains how he became the "smart kid" through the help of Noelle after he won a spelling bee against Noelle, who froze up after one of the words. Soon after they meet up with Ralsei, and explains begins to explain what is happening to Lancer, before he turns into stone. Ralsei tells them that Darkeners from other Dark Worlds aren't compatible with other ones and turn to stone, but will turn back to normal when brought back to Castle Town. This eases Susies worries and they are able to continue through the mansion.

Before continuing, however, Berdly formulates a plan with Susie and Kris to save Noelle. Kris will distract Queen while Susie saves Noelle and meets Berdly up on the roof once they all get to the third floor, where there is a short cut. They all agree on this plan and make their way through the mansion to get to the third floor. Eventually they get to the shortcut and meet up with Berdly. Susie joins Berdly, leaving Kris and Ralsei to continue through the mansion. The duo come across an acid lake and have to traverse it by boat, to which they do. They are stopped momentarily by a hand blocking the way, the two having to solve a puzzle to pull a lever to move the hand somewhere else before moving on. As they continue, Ralsei asks if its weird that he is enjoying spending time with them, depending on the answer, he goes on to explain that he had no idea how to make a first impression on Susie and Kris since he hasn't really had any friends. He goes on to mention how he thought being a friend was all about being nice, but after being friends with Susie and Kris he has learned more about being a friend than just being nice.

As they continue riding through the acid tunnel, they are stopped by Roulx Kaard, having to go against him in a game. When the game ends, Roulx powers up his machine he was on before he is stopped by turning (mostly) into stone, since he, too, is not compatible with the Dark World he is in at that moment. The two continue on, soon reaching the end of the tunnel. When they get back inside the mansion, Ralsei asks if Kris is wondering what Susie is up to, if the player picks "wondering" the view is shifted to Noelles room in the mansion. She looks at the "moon" and comments on it, then mentioning the world she is in right now, wishing that Dess could see it. Noelle turns around, hearing a sound as two enemies decend from above, and before they can attack Noelle, Susie defeats them.

Susie talks to Noelle, telling her that the world she is in is just a dream right now. Noelle goes along with this, saying that its obvious a dream because Susie wouldn't save her and that she probably doesn't even care about her to which Susie denies that, going on to tell her why she never bullied her due to Noelle giving her a pencil the first day she arrived at school and smiled at her. Her and Noelle talk a bit more before they head towards a ferris wheel, to which they go in. The two attempt to make conversation before Susie notices that Noelle appears to be scared, to which she responds telling her that she actually likes scary things. Noelle details how her and her sister used to watch scary movies at night and how they used to scare her but now make her feel comforted but now the only thing that is actually scary to her is people. Susie points out that she can just say her, Noelle agrees, however points out that is what makes her nice and she is the good kind of scary, saying that she isn't afraid to break the rules. Soon the ferris wheel ride ends and Berdly shows up to help Noelle escape. Susie jumps down to meet up with Kris and Ralsei while Berdly talks to Noelle first, explaining how that he is sorry. Noelle is confused at first, as Berdly goes on to "friendzone" Noelle saying that he likes someone else, aka Susie. Noelle, who has a crush on Susie, "confronts" him about this before the view is brought back to the FUN GANG.

Susie reunites with Kris and Ralsei once more and they continue through the mansion until they meet the Queen again. Susie points out that her plan is ruined because Noelle is with Berdly, but Queen reveals Berdly, now hooked up to a mind-control plug, Noelle impied and mentioned to also captured by Queen once more somewhere else. The FUN GANG fight Queen and save Berdly before Queen distracts the FUN GANG and runs off. The trio find Queen once more, she explains how the KNIGHT created the Dark World in the library and wonders if anyone, more specifically Lightners, can create a fountain with enough Determination. It is revealed that Queen will have Noelle be the one to create another fountain, Queen is knocked away and Noelle is saved temporarily before Queen reveals her giant robot aka GIGA Queen and knocks the FUN GANG off the roof. They are saved, however, by Berdly and many other Darkners as they come together to create a robot to evenly match Queens.

The FUN GANG, now with their new mecha robot, fight Queen in a Punch-Out style battle similar to the arcade machine from the beginning of the chapter. The trio almost win before Queen destroys the robot and captures them. Queen returns to Noelle and tells her to take the pin she gave her and make a fountain. Noelle refuses, yelling at Queen saying that she will never be happy if she is controlled by her. Queen comes to a relization that she was in the wrong, and tells Noelle to choose the world that makes her happy before shutting down. Noelle, upset, thinks about what Queen said and about how, even though there have been some bad parts, the Dark World has been good. Susie agrees, along with Berdly who shows up to begin to create a fountain before he is stopped by Ralsei, flabbergasted on why they want to do that. Ralsei explains to them how if they do that they will bring the ROARING, where if enough fountains are created, all will fall into chaos. Titains will rise from the fountains and and devistate the land, Darkeners will slowly turned into stone and Lighteners would have to fend for themselves in the endless dark. Everyone, including Queen, is shocked at this information. They all apologise for almost creating the fountain, and Queen lets the FUN GANG go to go seal the fountain. Before they do, Queen says her goodbyes before Ralsei informs her that she can join them in Castle Town to which she says she will.

Susie and Kris then go seal the fountain, Susie mentions how everything has gotten a lot more interesting now with the Dark Worlds and if more fountains being opened are truly a bad thing before letting Kris seal the fountain. The duo find themselves in the compture lab of the library with Noelle and Berdly. The two are confused on what Susie and kris are doing there, before she reminds them that they came to study with them for the project. They soon realize how late it got and leave the library, Susie and Kris soon leaving after as well. The duo wander around Hometown, talking to more residents before soon heading to Kris' house. Before Susie leaves, Toriel opens to the door and invites Susie in, to which she does. Inside, Toriel offers to help bake a pie with Susie and Kris, as Susie and Toriel start to bake the pie, Kris goes into the bathroom to "wash their hands". While in there, Kris takes out their soul once more and hops out the window, leaving Susie and Toriel to finish the pie without them. They come back, puts their soul back in their body and heads out the bathroom. Susie begins to leave, but Toriel offers her to stay the night, she agrees and Kris and Susie hang out on the couch before both of them falling asleep. While asleep, Toriel calls the police, informing them that someone had slashed her car's tires. Later Toriel falls asleep on the chair, and Kris wakes up in the middle of the night, taking their soul out once more to open the front door, turn on the tv and then create a fountain in their house. They head back to the couch and put their soul back in their body before the screen fades to black as the fountain covers the room, ending the chapter.

There is a secret boss in chapter two as well, while the character isn't as secret as the previous chapter, the battle itself is. After the first encounter with Spamton, you can meet him again at the trash site in his makeshift shop. He tells Kris that there is a empty disk in the basement of Queen's mansion that he wants, he tasks Kris to buy the KEYGEN from him to unlock the door to the basement and get the disk. Doing so, Kris heads to the basement, an eerie run-down place where they find a machine that holds the disk. They take it, and head back up to Spamton's shop. While there, Spamton offers one last deal to Kris, to transfer Spamton to the disk and bring it back to the machine. When done, the shop becomes eerily empty and greyscaled without him in it. Heading back to the basement, Kris can put the disk back in the machine, at first nothing happens, they shake, hit, and kick the machine but still nothing happens. As they head out of the room with the machine they are stopped by a figure, the machine now transformed into Spamton NEO. Spamton NEO attempts to take Kris' soul before they are attacked by Susie, moving him out of the way. Susie and Ralsei approach Kris, wondering if they are okay before they are put on a rollercoaster for a fight with Spamton NEO.

The fight can be fought in different ways, for example through cutting the wires attached to him. When doing that, Spamton realises that Kris is trying to gift him freedom after everything he is done, he cheers and asks him to cut the last wire and make him a real boy. When they do so, he falls to the ground, lifeless. He returns back to his normal form, telling them that after all he couldn't become anything more than just a puppet. He commends Kris and their friends for being strong and that maybe they can cut their own strings. Afterwards, heading back to the trash dump there are Addisons that give more information on Spamton's past. Spamton used to be very unsuccsessful, but would boast about how he would be a a "big shot" one day. Desperate, he soon came into contact with someone on the phone and suddenly was swimming in success, he was then known to be on the phone all the time with that person and even got a room in Queens mansion. Soon, however, it all came crashing down suddenly as the person on the phone vanished. He soon began spending his time "praying" to the machine in the basement and later would be evicted out of Queen's mansion. On eviction day, one of the Addisons went to check on him, but all they saw was a phone hanging off the handle, seemingly being left in the middle of a conversation. When the Addison went and put the phone up to their ear, they could only hear garbage noise, described similarly to what Kris hears when they try to call someone in the Dark World.