Noelle Holiday is one of the main characters featured in DELTARUNE. She is a reindeer-like lightner monster who is the childhood friend of Kris Dreemurr.
In chapter 1 of DELTARUNE, she plays a minor role, only showing up in the beginning and end of the chapter. In chapter 2, she plays a bigger, more important role as she joins the party in Cyber City. She even gets a whole secret route to herself!

As much as i would Love to go on and on about Noelle as a character and her story and what more she'll bring to future chapters, surprisingly this isnt what the shrine will be about!

I love Noelle Holiday as a character. If chapter 2 came out while i was still in middle school i would be more obsessed with her then than i do now! i relate to her on an astronomical level; being a kid who was on the internet during their childhood, seeing how Noelle is extremely nostalgic, and is big into game glitches...its just so cool because thats exactly how i was when i was a kid!
Noelle Holiday is exactly how i used to be in middle school, a goody-two-shoes lesbian who is huge on creepy things in video games, and seeing almost a reflection of middle school me means a whole bunch to me.

On top of that, her whole arc in chapter 2 thats is about Noelle learning how to stand up for herself and learning that she, too, is strong, hits very close to home. One i hit high school i began to learn from the help of my friends that i dont have to be this goody-two-shoes that my parents wanted to be forever, and i truely found myself. I hope Noelle Holiday finds herself too.

Mood: Nostalgic
Listening to: Girl Next Door by Toby Fox
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