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When meeting up with Noelle and having her join the party, if you head backwards, you can fight the same enemy. However, if you let Noelle ice shock the enemy, it will freeze them, essentially killing them.

If you keep backtracking, ice shocking every enemy all the way to the trash zone, a new secret route named the "Weird Route", or "Snowgrave Route" can begin.

If you head back to the save point and continue forward, you can keep doing the same thing as before, ice shocking any enemy that shows up. Along the way you can also get some creepy dialog options at the ferris wheel sign, saying that Noelle WILL ride with us, the Player. Its optional, however, and not manditory for the route.

Soon you can approach an Addison offering Dating Shoes, to continue with the route you must hit the option "We're something else.". The option alone in a regular route already confuses Noelle and still does in this route. When you begin to walk away from the Addison, he has a new offer for the two.

The Addison offers a FreezeRing for the two, since they are "something else". Noelle declines at first, saying that they don't need it, until the Addison mentions that she can't get stronger without good equipment.

To continue the route, you have to insist that she gets the ring, even if you are one dollar short. Noelle gets confused at you insisting that she gets it, since they don't have the money. It is implied that you tell Noelle to freeze the Addison to get the FreezeRing, and that is very much what happens.

Continuing with the route and your newfound equipment, you must continue to ice shock every enemy you come across.

The city, once busy is now empty. No cars in the road, barely any npcs. Soon you are able to find a trash can, inside is none other than Spamton, offering something to you.

He says that he will show you something, before telling you how many enemies there are left to freeze. So you continue on.

You soon find youself at another mouse puzzle, Noelle asks how should her and Kris solve it. To progress the route, you must tell her to Procceed. Telling her to enough times will pressure her, as she is backed close to the lazer blocking the switch, causing her to solve the puzzle with her freezing abilities.

Contining on, freezing more enemies in your way you will soon find yourself at the mouse puzzle that used to feature Berdly. Noelle automatically "solves" the puzzle for you.

She procceeds to think to herself, asking if what is happening is good now that she is actually doing things for herself and that every time she does it, she gets stronger.

Noelle solves the puzzle, eagerly asking if there are more enemies to freeze. So you continue to do so.

When freezing enough enemies, you head back to Spamton and he offers the ThornRing for 1997 dollars. You get it and continue on.

Soon you come across Berdly, who notices that somethings off immediatly, since Noelle doesn't recognize him at first, calling him an ememy and asking if she can freeze them.

She then snaps out of it, Berdly questions what they're doing and she responds that they're just getting stronger. You tell her to procceed, to which Berdly is confused about and begins a battle with Kris.

The battle is completely different from the regular route, the music changing, sounding akin to a heartbeat as you get your TP to 100% for the new spell called "Snowgrave". The description for it only saying "fatal".

When you tell Noelle to use Snowgrave, she denies what the spell is, saying that she doesn't know what we're talking about. Soon, however, she snaps, saying that if we want to see what happens when she uses a spell she doesn't know.

Noelle casts Snowgrave, a eerie jingle plays as Berdly is engulfed in snow until he is frozen.

After casting the spell, Noelle falls to the ground, wondering whats happening. She says that she doesn't feel well and that she is heading home. Noelle heads towards the mansion, leaving you by yourself.

You soon meet up with Ralsei and Susie once more in front of the Queen's mansion. Heading inside, something, or someone has taken over the mansion. The reveal of Roulx Kaard being turned into stone is anticlimatic as Ralsei has to explain there what happens when Darkeners go to other Dark Worlds.

The trio continue through the mansion, up to Noelles room. Susie heads inside, and like the normal route, Ralsei asks if we were wondering what Susie was up to. There is no response.

You wait, and after a minute Susie rushes out, explaining how she just told that everything was just a dream to Noelle and that she will explain to Kris later, leaving Ralsei confused.

There is no Queen fight, she cannot find Berdly and says that Noelle needs to rest for she has already "awakened too much". Before Queen tries to fight them, there is once again an anticlimatic explanation of the Roaring. Queen then stops, allowing them to procceed to seal the fountain. Susie heads off to see Noelle again while Ralsei talks to Queen about Castle Town.

You head up to the fountain, before none other than Spamton NEO stops you. He thanks you for you "jackass stunts" to allow him to become NEO and take over the mansion.

Spamton gets pissed, wondering why you are trying to seal the fountain after his takeover. He says that Kris will pay for this with their life, and battles them.

The battle is about the same as a regular Spamton NEO fight, however much more difficult without a team.

As you attack Spamton, he eventually will become Spamton EX. There will now be new options to call out for help.

Kris will call out for Susie, but nothing happened. Kris will call out for Ralsei, but nothing happened. You will call out for Noelle, however.

Spamton comments on how we're still trying to use her, before mentioning that its cold before the screen turns black. The sound of an ice shock is heard with numbers of damage showing up on screen before the fountain is sealed.

In the Light World, everything is almost the same but Berdly won't wake up.

Heading to the hospital, there is a cutscene with Noelle where different things can happen. Noelle will talk to herself, trying to convince herself that everything that just happened was just a dream. She comments on the voice that commanded her throughout the route, a voice that wasn't Kris'.

She talks about how she has to find out why Kris has been acting so weird lately, and why they keep coming to the hospital. You can choose either option that pops up, spooking Noelle.

Normally, she will just be scared that the voice that came out of Kris' was the same terrifying voice, however, if you equiped Noelle's watch in the Dark World on Kris, she will be scared, questioning why you have her watch.

This cutscene is the only cutscene in the game where you can move, and you can move closer to Noelle, causing her to get scared and run away.

The rest of the game plays off the exact same as the regular route, with the minor exception of returning to Castle Town, which has basically no one from Cyber City.